0.22.3 SDK using SDK section says glb files are created

Is this right?

Textures And Materials

Materials for 3D models are specified in glTF files, and the referenced textures are in *.png format. The materials comply with PBR (Physically Based Rendering). Upon compilation by the glTF compiler (invoked by the Package Tool), *.gltf files get compiled to *.glb and *.png files get compiled to *.dds files. The resulting *.glb file makes use of several glTF extensions, including MSFT_texture_dds as well as Microsoft Flight Simulatorspecific ones.

The compiled modelLib BGL internally stores the models as GLB, I believe.

oh that’s interesting.

Hello @DA40CGDFQ ,

@rhumbaflappy is correct.
We store the 3D assets of the modelLib as .glb files in the .BLG.


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