2020 Gauge Not Working in 2024

EDIT: Moved to 2024 Bug report

We’ve used the following to animate small things like simple switch covers in MSFS2020 projects. However, when the aircraft are placed in MSFS2024, the part illuminates correctly, but the animation does not move.

This particular gauge is from the Flight Replicas Spitfire Mk.Vb package.

	<Component ID="starter_cover" Node="fr_starter_cover">
		<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_GT_Switch_Code">
			<ANIM_CODE>(L:STARTER_COVER,bool) 1 == if{ 100 } els{ 0 }</ANIM_CODE>
			<ANIMTIP_0>Starter Cover</ANIMTIP_0>
			<ANIMTIP_1>Starter Cover</ANIMTIP_1>