Aircraft Capture Tool isn't really user friendly

So I have recently started creating liveries for the A310 in MSFS2024. This is my feedback for the aircraft capture tool (thumbnail creation). I am no dev so I have no idea if suggested changes are possible, just want to improve the tool.

General feedback:
the tool is fairly hidden: Create a project with the SDK, to get access to the above mentioned tool seems a bit unusual. Maybe it can be implemented as basic tool in the aircraft selection (just like the avatar capture tool).

  • The capture is only available if you spawn a gate/ramp, I think this should be possible once selected the aircrafts livery in the menu.

Bugs with the tool

  • while capturing the thumbnails for the A310, the flaps, engines and main gear doors open, so basically you need to take the thumbnails twice, if you want the doors to be closed, happens both with custom and default liveries.

  • after closing the project/aircraft capture tool, the sim goes wild.

  • if you load a second livery for the same aircraft, the aircraft capture tool is unable to show the livery, happens both with custom and default liveries. So you basically have to close the sim after every capture, if you want to take more than one set of thumbnails.

Sim version:
SDK version: 1.1.2

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