Hi everyone,
Just to let you know: the topic is being discussed internally - I hope I’ll get back with answers for you in the coming days.
- We know that not being able to look into Standard aircraft is a problem so I am confident there will soon be a satisfactory solution for everyone - actually, it should already be possible but it looks like we (my team) forgot something in the VFSProjector…
- Then there will be the topic of modifying those Standard aircraft - we are discussing potential solutions so that should become possible soon too. However please note that the changes you make locally will most probably only affect the aircraft in free flight - not in career or competitive modes.
- For payware aircraft things may be different - if a developer doesn’t want his product to be browsed by everyone, then there’s no reason why we should allow it. Which will also prevent changes to the aircraft.
Happy to discuss further with you all.
Best regards,
Eric / Asobo