Hi Asobo! Happy holidays. Just a quick question, is there any limitation whether in the 3ds max or Blender exporter on the number of animation nodes that I can use. For example can I have 1000 bones in various skinned meshes along with 1000 dummy nodes ( point helpers ) in a model. If so would this cause any major performance impact. Thanks!
There was a recent case, user added lot of animated trees (with several hundred of bones in it), and eventually the game came to a crash
So the idea is pay attention to what it worth using precious resources
(1000 bones in the scene are not a lot, a base character without fingers has roghly 30 bones, so a airport lounge with 30 characters will quickly reach that number ), add to that all the workers on the terminal
Hi. Thanks for the input. Those numbers I listed were just random but it makes more sense now. This is for an aircraft not scenery but I assume the same still applies.
You can include several thousand bones without any problem, but keep in mind that the more animations there are, the more significant the impact on memory will be.