B:Events (Input Events) can't be received on modular aircraft


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Medium (I was able to use B:FUEL_PUMP_ON on the cabri so it must be related to my template)

Marketplace package name: N/A

Context: Modular aircraft

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: No

Bug description: B:Events are not received on modular aircraft, but work on MFS24 using the same MFS20 aircraft with a mega interior.xml.

Repro steps:

<Include ModelBehaviorFile="ASOBO\Inputs\Helpers.xml" />
    <Extend Target="ASOBO_GIE">
      <Parameters Type="Default">

Then create an event DAVE_TEST which has B:DAVE_TEST_INC and B:DAVE_TEST_DEC events. INIT code sets L:DAVE_TEST=33 to prove the code is alive.



Now open the Behaviors tool

  1. Check InputEvents has DAVE_TEST
  2. Check Variables L:DAVE_TEST=33
    These are always true so it is just checking the setup.

Now open the coherent debugger and send an event:


If you have a monolith/MFS20 aircraft, the event works (L:DAVE_TEST will have changed to 44 or 55)
If you have a modular aircraft, the event isn’t received and nothing happens. You can manually execute the INC/DEC events from the Behaviors/InputEvents dialog, and those will mutate L:DAVE_TEST as expected. So it is working, but remote B:Events are somehow lost/disconnected it seems.

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