Babylon Animation Groups bad display

As you can see from the screenshot …

This Babylon Animation Groups
Window is very difficult to use, I have to manually set the column sizes on
EVERY Operation. It is time consuming and annoying. Is there a way to adjust
these One time and save as default layout as second image ??
I am Using SDK17 3DSMax 2018 4K
LG Monitor with display resolution at 3840 x 2160 (Native) Appreciate any help
… Thanks

@lpierabella Your input on this?

Hi @ModelMuncher the issue has been addressed, it will be available on the
next updates

AWESOME ! thanks for listening

BUMP @FlyingRaccoon @lpierabella Almost 12
months have gone by and “the issue has been addressed, it will be available on
the next updates” seemed to have evaporated into the ether ? I am still
wasting a LOT of development time resizing this app/window for EVERY Piece of
animation :frowning: HELP !!! :slight_smile: