Blender Export error

When exporting I keep getting this error message:

I’m using the newest Exporter 1.0.1 - but the error was also there in 1.0.0
Does anybody know what I’m doing wrong?

Maybe you can disable the export of LODS and see if that gets rid of the error.

Thanks for the suggestion, Cygnifick…
I unfortunately get the exact same errors without any LOD’s in the scene and exporter ???

You said you that you have the with the release from 1.0

Wouldn’t you mind trying with this Blender

It is already configured with the exporter in 1.0 and know to work with Lod (see my video)

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Wauw…thats pretty weird, but in a very good way :slight_smile: - that workes perfectly!.. What’s the trick? Is it because it’s a portable version?? … But big thanks @mamuDesign