Hi Hans, Many thanks for the suggestion, there were some issues reported here
implying that execute_calculator_code can leads to some performance issues, so
I am trying to stay away from it until it is confirmed as fixed. It is a big
vague if this is resolved or not to be honest:
https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/3739 Some clarification needed on
that topic @FlyingRaccoon :). In any case, I would rather see the WASM trigger
event code to be expanded and supported correctly with multiple parameters, it
would also be lovely to allow us to write A:VARS or any vars directly without
the need of calculator code or SimConnect. In the meantime I used SimConnect
to pull the breakers, my hopes are, this event get’s fixed with SU9 or SU10
and then I can update my code to be more efficient since I am trying to avoid
Simconnect as much as possible inside WASM. Thanks to everyone for looking
into this, Raul