[BUG] TURB EFFICIENCY LOSS Variables don't work

Dear Asobo, I keep testing these variables with SU12 to no availability,
wherever I do, I cannot make them work. I have tried:

  • Updating on every frame, sim watcher confirms the variables remain at 0.
  • Using different units between Percent to Percent over a Hundred. Nothing works.
  • Using the Sim Watcher, nothing works.
  • Using different projects, nothing works.

The video below shows the issue using Sim Watcher on the default asobo TBM,
you will notice how I can override engine ITT value succesfully, but the
efficiency loss variable doesn’t work. Can you guys advise what I am doing
wrong? is there a special configuration to be set on the engine config or
somewhere else to make these new SimVars to work correctly? Video
demonstrating the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU5pdxWEOJI Thanks
in Advance, Raul

Hello, No additional configuration is required. I am not able to reproduce
these variables having no effect. In fact, they appear to be working in your
video, if you look at the fuel consumption. They are, however, set only and
presently are not readable. They also, for some reason, appear to not be
converting units properly. You must use a value of 0 to 1 with a units value

Thanks, Matt

Hi Matt, I am using the simvar watcher (which uses simconnect) and the
variables remains at zero, I can see you using Coherent which is another
route. Wonder if this has an effect. There is some bug in the system, the
variable is writable and should be readable via SimConnect. Why if I am
setting it it remains zero? Thanks for helping out during easter, I hope Asobo
can also look at this when they are back. Best, Raul

Further to Matt showing his result, I tried using coherent:

Engine remains at full power
despite of me setting the variable via coherent… is just the same behavior I
see via SimConnet… the variables don’t work on my side at all. Best, Raul

@FlyingRaccoon I did more tests with this on AAU2. Two problems: A) You set
the variable values but they don’t show the value being set in the sim. B) the
fuel efficiency and cooling efficiency are working fine on TurboProps, however
the Engine efficiency is doesn’t appear to be working on turbo props, perhaps
is working on Jets… Best, Raul

To follow on with this, I wasn’t able to see any result from testing TURB ENG N1 LOSS:index and TURB ENG THRUST EFFICIENCY LOSS:index on heli-turbine
engines either. Would be quite useful if they were implemented.