Frequency: Consistently
Severity: High
Marketplace package name: if applicable
Building a project containing a scenery package with a SceneryObject that has the “SnapToBuilding” and “NoSnow” properties.
Similar MSFS 2020 issue:
Bug description:
Build fails with error:
ERROR: #C2033 XML Parse Error (line, column, error)
ERROR: line=102, col=11, Element 'NoSnow' is unexpected according to content model of parent element 'SceneryObject'.
Expecting: Beacon, Effect, GenericBuilding, LibraryObject, VisualEffectObject, Trigger, Windsock, SimObject, WorldScript, CarParking, SimPropContainer, Decal, AttachedObject.
ERROR: #C2606 Schema errors detected, compilation failed!
ERROR: #C2034 XML Parse Fatal Error (line, column, error)
ERROR: line=151, col=0, Validate failed.
ERROR: #C2430 Unrecoverable error parsing XML!
ERROR: #C2006 Parse failed (0x80004005)
BGLCompiler | CompileMemory failed
PackageBuilder | Package 'test' have encountered errors during _EndTreatCommands. See attached
PackageBuilder | EndExecuteCommandsForPackage : Failed to build package test
Example of an offending SceneryObject element:
<SceneryObject parentGroupID="3" groupIndex="1" lat="46.69701011545040" lon="9.43650767532583" alt="14.88019778635612" pitch="0.001544" bank="-0.001837" heading="27.830910" imageComplexity="VERY_SPARSE" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" snapToGround="FALSE" snapToNormal="FALSE">
<LibraryObject name="{E10E6A89-1D17-4ABF-A1B4-6A8674B085AA}" scale="1.000000"/>
Repro steps:
- Create scenery project containing a scenery object where properties “Snap to building” and “No Snow” are selected
- Build the project