Can't Save File Due to a Compile Error - need help

Have encountered a problem that first occurred when changing jetways, although I can’t be sure the problem is directly related to jetways. The Scenery Editor warns of a problem as follows:


The SDK Build & Export shows the following:
project XML: K:/MSFS Dev Airports/Airport_KGRB_Project_87137/Airport_KGRB_Project.xml
temp dir: K:/MSFS Dev Airports/Airport_KGRB_Project_87137/
output dir: K:/MSFS Dev Airports/Airport_KGRB_Project_87137/.
PackageBuilder | Reading K:\MSFS Dev Airports\Airport_KGRB_Project_87137\Airport_KGRB_Project.xml…
PackageBuilder | Preparing asset groups…
PackageBuilder | Done, 3 asset groups registered.
PackageBuilder | Generating commands for package msfs-airport-kgrb…
PackageBuilder | Preparing commands for asset group ContentInfo…
PackageBuilder | Preparing commands for asset group data…
PackageBuilder | Ready, 2 commands added.
PackageBuilder | Listing took 0s003ms.
PackageBuilder | Starting the build…
PackageBuilder | Build package msfs-airport-kgrb …
PackageBuilder | Building assets for the package msfs-airport-kgrb…
Compiling BGL from file KGRB.xml…
INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2642: Parking Tee offsets are limits are 0.100000 to 50.000000 Meters
INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2031: Failed element parse
INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2032: XML Parse Error! Element tree follows:

INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2589: Did not find end Parking Spot #10 needed for Taxi path #10 at airport KGRB.
INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2032: XML Parse Error! Element tree follows:

INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2024: Failed to process closing element tag near line 6643!
INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2607: Compilation errors detected, compilation failed!
INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2006: Parse failed (0x 0)
PackageBuilder | Output path does not exist: K:\MSFS Dev Airports\Airport_KGRB_Project_87137\Packages\msfs-airport-kgrb\scenery\msfsbot\KGRB.bgl
PackageBuilder | Skip mirroring due to command failures.
PackageBuilder | Skip generation of package information due to command failures.
PackageBuilder | Reload package msfs-airport-kgrb …
PackageBuilder | Finished, 3 skipped, 0 done and 1 failed, took 0s392ms.

msfs-airport-kgrb/data - Command 1�} �Cԛ4�e �>�p �2�j�� �~ �O�� �D߇�

PackageBuilder | Preparing asset groups…
PackageBuilder | Done, 0 publishing groups registered.
PackageBuilder | Ready, 0 publishing groups added.
PackageBuilder | Listing took 0s000ms.
PackageBuilder | Starting the build…
PackageBuilder | Finished, 0 skipped, 0 done and 0 failed, took 0s000ms.

The error that shows when hovering over “Taxi path (parking)” is “Not connected to two points.” I have searched and searched for a parking taxi path that is not connected to two points but cannot find anything that meets the criteria.

I have also deleted the red “Taxi path (parking)”. That results in the “Show Error” but then there is simply nothing within the elements listing that is in red.

I have added a “Parking Spot 10” (temporarily) but do not know where to find Taxi Path 10. Where does the number assigned to this Taxi Path show up. I don’t see anything in “properties”.

Any changes I make cannot be saved.

I have tried several other things but can’t seem to resolve the issue.
What can I try to start narrowing things down?


Hard to debug but will try ^^

After deleting the red line, if you hover the pointer over the “airport” object in the scenery editor window, does a note appear?

Yes, “Not connected to two points.” But I have looked for a long time and cannot find anything that makes a difference. There are two or three vehicle paths that are “dead ends” but I connected them to other nodes and it didn’t change anything. Thank you for taking a look!

I have also deleted this taxi path and deleted subsequent “objects in red” to get to a point where only an “Invalid child” shows up when hovering over the Airport heading; there are no red entries in the details.

Solution: Examined the xml to isolate gates that could cause a problem. Removed jetways from xml file, deleted extraneous taxiway path, then all but the “Gates require jetways” message displayed. Closed out, added most jetways back in and tried again. Was able to isolate the problem gate by repeating this process and delete the taxiway path as I did on the first attempt, then add a jetway to the problem gate. Finally, no errors and able to save the file!

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