Central gear reported not on the ground if point.0 Latitude(X) not equal to 0


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

Context: Any

**Bug description:If Latitude(X) parameter for contact point.0 is set not equal to 0 (zero) than the central gear is reported not on the ground

**Repro steps: Just change the Latitude(X) parameter for contact point.0 with a value different than 0 (for example 0.01) then check the Simvar GEAR IS ON GROUND:0 showing 0 (FALSE), revert it back to 0 (zero) then check the Simvar GEAR IS ON GROUND:0 showing 1 (TRUE).
If GEAR IS ON GROUND is FALSE then the corresponding GEAR ANIMATION POSITION stays always at 50% making the central gear compression animation not working
Note: it’s very easy to suffer this wrong behavior as using the contact point gizmo the coordinates can easily be changed wrongly


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