(CLOSED) KAP140 tooltip error


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Low

Context: KAP140 autopilot equipment

Bug description: When the AP is off the tooltip shows an erroneous altitude setting value as in the screenshot


I did not reproduce the behavior based on the previous package you sent to us.

Can you tell me if you still have the issue please ?

Thank you,


Hi Borsi

it is still there (actually I realized now the label changes rapidly from -99000ft to 99000ft and back again)

I have placed the AeroSachs Tecnam P92 Echo 100HP on the runway for a free flight and doing nothing I just move the mouse over the selector knob to show the tooltip

Actually I found there is some kind of conflict with the PMS GTN750

I’m investigating that now

The reported issue was because of the PMS GTN750 addon

I have received a fix from PMS for that therefore this topic can be closed

Thank you for the feedback
