Creating Mission (landing challenge) error

Hi all,
I am creating a landing challenge. One of my landing challenges I have it starting far away from the destination airport. But the problem I am running into is this message everytime I load the challenge. “You have left the activity area”

I have set all my correct waypoints in the FLT file, is there anywhere else in the FLT file where I can edit the playable area so I do not get this message? Im starting from the airport about 115NM.

How are you creating the landingchallenge? If you’re using the default asobo scripts, it will limit the range

Im using BushMissionGen as a baseline. Then im using my own FLT files that I save from being in-flight. I merge those 2 together. It works, But when I try a long distance landing, it doesnt work. Is there a line in the FLT file that changes the radius of the “play area”?

I also tried to make a Bush Trip with 1 leg. I have not figured out if it is possible to start in-flight. Any attempt my sim crashes the second I load in. Is this also possible?

The radius is defined in the mission script, which is provided/generated by BushMissionGen. I don’t know if you can change that value. Probably best to contact the developer of the tool, @BuffyGC

With BushTripInjector (my tool), you can define the value of the radius in the GUI. By MSFS default they are 8, 10, 15 NM for BushPilot, Private or Airliner. You can override it with any value of your choice or you can let BTI calculate the max. radius needed for your LNM-file.

For BushMissionGen you need to ask its developer.

Happy New Year everyone!

Ah sorry, I mixed the two up