CTD Causing Ground Poly's to become corrupt

Hi Team, I had faced this issue recently prior to todays update and whilst
updating my airport this morning it crashed again. If you’re editing a polygon
and the sim crashes during that edit, it appears that the file becomes corrupt
after that and the sim will no longer display any polygons in the scenery
editor. I have no idea how to recover it. Thankfully I have several backups of
our project so I only lost the work from today, however. If we didn’t have the
backup it could potentially mean that hundreds of polygons have to be redone.
CTD Occurs at total random, however it looks that it can be fast tracked if
you save twice whilst editing a polygon.

While a ctd when saving Is annoying, You can try to recover shapes using any
GIS software like QGIS I use It extensively to create polygons for my global
sceneries (with millions of shapes), never fails!

This sounds very interesting. Would you mind expanding on the topic, please?

QGIS Is a free gis software that can handle shapefile, And msfs use the same
format for polygons So you can create them in the gis, save in a bgl type
AssetGroup and they Will be compiled without issues You only Need to match
their attributes (that are located in the .dbf) with the .xml for the polygon
I use to save a single polygon in the sdk to obtain the right .xml and
attributes Than merge It in QGIS with other shapes obtained from a pletora of
sources (so the attributes of the sdk poly Will Copy into to my shapes) Export
the shape files in your PackageSources and compile More on the topic here,
great article (a bit outdated because the xml attributes have changed a bit
since su6 (or was It 5?)
lake-elevation-data-with-osm-and-heightmaps> If you need more info you can
contact me on discord

Hi @ImpulseSimulations, I’m not able to reproduce the crash, " if you save
twice whilst editing a polygon. " → can you be more precise on the repro step
? Maybe it is dependent of your current scene ? Regards, Xavier

Hi Xavier, Since updating the SDK I have not had a crash with the double save.
Basically, most of our products contain several hundred terrain Rectangles,
with these in sometimes it can create a crash. Basically any time we’re
editing a polygon and the sim crashes it corrupts the polygons, I also tried
to recover with the method explained above with no luck.

Just adding weight to this problem, we too have had this issue several times
during the development of our NZMC /NZGT scenery. Loss of all polygons.

Hello @ImpulseSimulations , Any CTD since the SU8 ? Can you send us a full
Dump File in case you have still CTDs when editing polygons and double save ?
See [sections 2) and 3)
bug-or-crash.html) Regards, Boris

Hi Boris, Unfortunately since my last crash I have had a full reinstall of
windows and the sim as I thought that may help to prevent it. Our current
airport project doesn’t yet have that many polygons and have seen no crash yet
but if it does crash I will be sure to provide the logs. maybe @HybridNZ may
be able to provide one?