Hello dears, I am creating an airport using the SDK and customs building using
blender for 5 months now. unfortunately i have crashing to desktop when I
build the package only since yesterday. It’s not happening the first time I
build the package either. It may be after many many times that I worked on the
airport and the builds went successfully before that, but all of a sudden it
starts crashing. i can save any progress in the project using the scenery
editor, but when i press build it freezing then CTD. I try with another
package, and it is easily compiled and built the package normally. Dose any
one have an idea what could happened?
Iam in a continued attempts to restore my package, movement in the projects
become too slow and freezing, i difficultly can save any progress. i returned
to the last SDK version, no avail! Reinstalled the new version of the SDK, no
avail !! Made some windows repair and virus scan, no avail ! Made developer
mode setting reset, no avail. Any new suggestion would be highly appreciated.
Hi. I am experiencing the same thing. I have a similar post looking for
solutions. I have more than 30 airports that I have done, and it seems very
coincidental that this happened after the last update. I’m thinking too that
perhaps it is the latest driver from Nvidia. Have you updated your driver
lately? I’m using a RTX 3070ti, with a Rysen 9 chip.
Hello, agree with you, There was an update in MSFS recently. Yes, i updated to
the latest Navidia driver 536.40. Indeed, i am so disappointed. it 5 months of
hard work and learning. I am sure some one could help us.
For me it was solved when I used “clean all” but you want to have a backup
before you do.
Just a hint about clean all: Clean all deletes _packageInt and Packages
folders (and maybe packageMetadata) Those are temporary data (_packageInt)
used to hopefully speed up further compile processes.( Hopefully because
sometimes already compiled assets, despite without modifications got compiled
again) User data is inside PackageSources and Packagedefinitions, those are
not touched by Clean All and are those you want to have a backup
Hi All, Thanks a lot for you all. it is solved now by deleting packageInt and
Packages folders. Thanks @mamudesign & @Marijnvc