Detecting MSFS2024

FS24 has new camera states that dont exist in FS20.
29, 30, 32, 35

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I found (FS V1.2.11 - just updated)

  •   29 ??
  •   30 Starting a flight 2nd (runway view - still waiting)
  •   32 Main Menu 
  •   33 Free Cam (sel FreeCam after hitting ESC in aircraft)
  •   35 Briefing?? (Resume, Restart etc. after hitting ESC in aircraft)
  •   36 Starting a flight 1st (aerial view - still waiting)

hehe, here’s what I did looking for camera states common to MSFS2020 and MSFS2024 for a simconnect app related to flying. In a nutshell the camera states that are reliably common are

12 - World Map

2,3 - cockpit, external views while flying.

With a bit of luck those camera states will survive Asobo updates, but clearly this isn’t an architected part of the sim.

(A:CAMERA STATE, Number) 29 ==
(A:CAMERA STATE, Number) 30 == or
(A:CAMERA STATE, Number) 32 == or
(A:CAMERA STATE, Number) 35 == or
(L:IS_FS24) ! and

extended as of current FS2020/24:

Cockpit = 2,        // FLIGHT any cockpit view
External_Chase = 3, // FLIGHT ext free or indexed (quick)
Drone = 4,          // FLIGHT ext Drone cam
FixedOnPlane = 5,   // FLIGHT ext fixed (showcase)
SixDoF = 7,         // FLIGHT - SixDoF - set when issuing the 6DOF command on SimConnect

Another find:
(I catch Cam and Pause events in that script)
In 2024 while on ground in the Cockpit you find

Camera state: Cockpit<2>, sub: Locked<1> 
       vType: PilotView<1> idx: 1#0

then CLICK DOOR / Outside now (no change??)

PHOTO MODE Ctrl-P (no change??)

CLICK DOOR / Inside now (no change??)

so the first person on ground does this in CamState Cockpit which is a bit strange IMHO