more …
The DA62 SDK sample has
"ASOBO_material_windshield_v3": {
"windshieldDetailNormalTexture": {
"scale": 0.02,
"index": 32
"scratchesNormalTexture": {
"index": 33
"windshieldInsectsTexture": {
"index": 34
"windshieldInsectsMaskTexture": {
"index": 35
"detail1Rough": 0.05,
"detail2Rough": 0.05,
"detail1Opacity": 0.5,
"detail2Opacity": 0.5,
"microScratchesTiling": 1.1,
"microScratchesStrength": 0.05,
"detailNormalRefractScale": 0.05,
"wiperLines": true,
"rainDropScale": 0.4,
"wiper1State": 0.0
while the blender export “could” have (if fixed)
"ASOBO_material_windshield_v3": {
"detail1Rough": 0.05000000074505806,
"detail2Rough": 0.05999999865889549,
"detail1Opacity": 0.5099999904632568,
"detail2Opacity": 0.5,
"microScratchesTiling": 1.100000023841858,
"microScratchesStrength": 0.05999999865889549,
"detailNormalRefractScale": 0.05000000074505806,
"wiperLines": false,
"wiperLinesStrength": 1,
"wiperLinesTiling": 1,
"wiper1State": 0,
"windshieldDetailNormalTexture": {
"index": 2
"scratchesNormalTexture": {
"index": 3
"windshieldInsectsTexture": {
"index": 4
"windshieldInsectsMaskTexture": {
"index": 5
"ASOBO_material_rain_options": {
"rainDropScale": 0.4000000059604645,
"rainDropSide": true
there is a schema for rain_options, but the SDK DA62 sample seems to be in error or behind the latest features.
Another problem is that the handler will delete the detail normal texture slot. The cockpit normal2 texture gets removed on file open, the scale is not set on export, the scale seems to be in the other asobo extention
edit:2 (because I am not allowed to have more than 3 posts in a row)
the scale for the detail nomal is removed when you build the model in the sim. the gltf in the PackageSources folder will be different than the on in the Packages folder.
it is strange that the normal frame is NOT connected to the normal input to the BSDF when you have a detail normal texture
edit4: why is there a spelling error in some of the material extension parameters/file
“textute” - instead of “texture” for the extension data parameter in MSFS2024_MaterialExtension
AM I missing something?
edit5: yes it would be a bad naming issue for the loop param is the same name as the property - very strange
EDIT7 because you will not comment on this post (NOT ALLOWED MORE THAN 3 posts in a row)
edit4/5 - spelling textute
fixed in 1.2.2
edit3 - normal frame
no comment from ASOBO if this is an issue or not?
edit2 - detail scale
not tested by me
Blend mask Threshold
No comment from ASOBO
PDF issues:
Raindrop - is now a Boolean - fixed in 1.2.2 exporter 2.3.2
MicroscratchesTiling is fixed - > 1 can be entered
MicroscratchesStrength - Not fixed in [2024 SU1] SDK 1.2.2 Exporter 2.3.2
- still remains at 1
Windshielddetailnormaltexture scale - fixed in 1.2.2 exporter 2.3.2
There is still an issue that has been reported to Khronos about detail textures put into the BaseColor texture slot in the gltf.
Test file here (155.6 KB)
Detail map issue may be related to this bug report
new finding. wiper lines checkbox reverts to false - unchecked when save and reopen
this means that wiper lines tiling and wiperlines strength both revert to 1.0
But is you set the values and export - wiperlinestiling is ok, but wiper lines strength is not exported.
Reviewing microscratches strength has the value put into wiper lines strength. the wrong value is exported