Flight Model Completely Breaks (Elevator_Up_Limit)


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Marketplace package name: Astro One, also tested with DoubleEnder

Context: Our Astro One and other projects like our Canoe rely on a near empty flight_model.cfg to utilize our custom XML based flight dynamics. After extensive testing, we have narrowed it down to a single parameter that will break the aircraft. This parameter can be changed on ANY aircraft package to see the broken results.

Bug description: “elevator_up_limit = XX” has to have a number. We have been using, elevator_up_limit = 0, and it was breaking the entire flight model. By giving it a value, even if 0.001, it will work as expected. Also to note, “elevator_down_limit = XX” is not affected. We CAN use 0 on the down limit and it WILL NOT break the aircraft. Only up_limit will break the aircraft if left on a zero value.

Repro steps: Simply change the elevator_up_limit to 0 on ANY aircraft package to see the broken results. Please Note, in our Astro One example, we have no issue permanently changing the value to 0.001 in order to resolve this issue for MSFS 2024 compatibility. This is because we don’t utilize most of the data in the flight_model.cfg and use our own XML based flight model. However, I’m sure there is use-cases that this issue may break on other 3rd Party Aircraft, hence the blocking report.
