How to query Airport + child member info via Javascript?

Is there a way to query via Javascript to get comprehensive airport info via
ICAO the same as

All that nice info from each of the child members as well (like runways data,
taxi parking data etc).

I 've tried a couple of approaches but not having much luck.

It’s kind of an obvious SDK API feature I would have thought, or am I
completely missing something?


You can find a bit of information here for working with facility data in the
avionics framework <

Thanks. That was on my radar but hadn’t looked closely enough. I guess this
might be possible to use with plain old Javascript, with some massaging a la
Browsify or similar? I’m limited to old skool JS methods due to the nature of
it, so any NPM packages like MSFS AF or <
simconnect> need to be accessed by trad client side js methods.