Issues with Babylon Exporter

I have an issue with one of my models in that it will not export some animations to game ready gltf, until I import the model into a new 3ds Max scene, re import all the animations into the Babylon Animations Groups directory, save and export.

This will work mostly fine, some of the animations are still disabled, but most work until 3ds Max crashes while exporting. From that point on the model is “broken” and again needs to be imported into a new project to export with some working animations.

Not all animations are affected by this and if I uncheck the Use Pre Export Process box, the problem animations will work on export, but others won’t and if 3ds Max does not crash while exporting, I can close it open it, save the model, edit the model, no problem. All of the affected animations are container gauge animations, although the model has other odd issues I believe are related.

Currently I have an open support session with Autodesk over this, for the basic reason that the condition changes after 3ds Max crashes, but it’s looking more like the Babylon Animations Groups directory stores information in a place 3ds Max cannot access directly. Once the model becomes “corrupted,” even the version of that model saved before 3ds Max crashed, is also corrupted. It seems as if when 3ds Max shuts down, the information is stored in a buffer or cache and available next start, but if 3ds Max crashes, that information is lost.

It’s guessing, obviously, but I can’t figure out why it all works, or mostly works, until 3ds Max crashes exporting, which eventually it seems is inevitable. I have completely uninstalled/reinstalled 3ds Max, uninstalled/reinstalled the latest SDK and even completely changed computers over the course of trying to resolve this.