Light bleed through into interior model

Hi all,

Ive read a few topics regarding light bleeding into cockpits but found no exact answer. But heres my pickle.

The cockpit model when exported from MAX as 1 model file in the project (model.cfg / normal=aircraftcockpit.xml) inside the XML only 1 model.
After building the package and viewing the model with exterior camera, the cockpit has ZERO light bleed through.


When adding an exterior model in the model.cfg (interior=aircraftcockpit.xml / exterior=aircraftext.xml) and now having 2 models. exterior camera view shows the exterior, and cockpit camera shows the cockpit, but now the VC has light bleeding through around the corners.

Does the sim show exterior and interior models differently? Because its what it looks like. Any input on fixing VC light bleed through is appreciated.

Asobo is keeping their ammo dry on this subject, so no real fix as of yet.
The only thing that helps a bit as a workaround is increasing the thickness of your cockpit walls.
Would love to see this fixed. too.