Missing tag in PLN file -> called "North-Pole issue"

Version: WU 16 -

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Bug description:
When you create a flightplan with custom/user-waypoints in the MSFS WorldMap and save it as PLN file, the ICAOICAOIdent tag is missing on all these waypoints. When you now install any 3rd party AIRAC update, and load such flightplan - all such waypoints go thru the “north pole”.

Repro steps:

  • Custom/user waypoint created via WorldMap:
<ATCWaypoint id="CUST0">
	<WorldPosition>N48° 10' 17.3",E016° 09' 45",+001000.00</WorldPosition>
  • none custom waypoint created via WorldMap:
<ATCWaypoint id="KVNY">
	<WorldPosition>N34° 12' 36.57",W118° 29' 24.03",+000775.50</WorldPosition>

The difference is the ICAOICAOIdent part …

Add the missing tags (ICAOICAOIdent) to the exported flightplan. The ICAOIdent is freely selectable/random (I take the same from the id attribute):

<ATCWaypoint id="CUST0">
	<WorldPosition>N48° 10' 17.3",E016° 09' 45",+001000.00</WorldPosition>

When these custom/user waypoints have all these missing tags, the flightplan will be loaded without any issue and can be loaded in every aircraft. Hope that helps to fix the bug.


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Thank you Richards for finally acknowledging the real cause of the :North Pole" issue, and officially bringing it to Asobo’s attention , and for the clear & precise way you have explained the real cause of this issue (ie Nothing to do with loading or not loading all world updates)

Hopefully it will be a simple and painless task for Asobo to add that missing ICAOIdent tag for User Waypoints into flight plans generated in the world map.

Currently, one tedious work around is to save the FP generated in the world map, import & export it through Little Nav Map (That adds in the missing ICAOIdent tags), and then load that flight plan back into the world map.

Obviously, this is not a work around for those on X-Box.

IN addition, even when the FP has been corrected to have the missing tag, while it no longer puts those user wayponts at the north pole, it still does not show those Waypoint with an Waypoint Icon or named label Waypoints on the VFR map.

So hopefully that issue with their NON Display on the VFR Map can be addressed at the same time,

Note: They do show up as labeled User waypoint on GPS system displays. :+1:

Hello @NAVData

The issue is not caused by the lack of an ICAO Ident in the custom waypoints. This is just a workaround.
The root cause is an issue with how the waypoints are processed when BGL contains (probably ends up with) <Airport> elements with the onlyAddIfReplace attribute set to true.
I have logged a bug for this.

The problem occurs when these are processed last so it would be interesting to check if such elements are defined at the end of your BGL files and if moving them at the beginning of the file solves the problem.



Was this also seen by Asobo, and is this correctable as well, while you are into this issue.?
Happens for BOTH with & without Navigraph.

first of all thank you very much for your answer and the details. I will check/test your suggestions & tips in the next couple of days and will let you know my results.

Thanks again for your answer!

Have a nice day,

Here’s how they are shown in the VFR map with the fix:

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Fantastic … many thanks for posting that screen shot …really appreciated — most encouraging.

Might we see it implemented in the SU15 beta ??

Even if not, just knowing that this has been resolved, and will be in some future update, is wonderful.

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That is the plan but it will not be part of the first flighting build.

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User WP and North Pole issue, and VFR Map display of User WPs FIXED in SU15 Beta 2

Thank you Asobo :+1:

Isn’t bug FIXED ??? (as of last SU15 beta )


Or does FIXED only count for non beta SU releases ?