I’m creating a program to create SDK package sources placing lakes on large areas (100km x 100km).
The resulting lakes polygons have a resolution of 10 meters (about 1 point every 10 meters).
The final package source is around 10 to 50 MB.
I’m able to load it in SDK and to build it (even if the MSFS/SDK crashes often at the end of the build).
However the game is unable to load the package (it loads forever and finally the RAM of my computer (64 MB) becomes full, everything crashes).
To solve the problem I reduced the resolution of the polygons with the Douglas-Peucker algorithm, I keep only 14% of the points and of course I loose in resolution. The final package source is 5 MB in my test.
original package : 30304 polygons, 913972 points, 50 MB for packageSource, 1600 kB for the bgl
low res package : 1930 polygons, 85606 points, 5.9 MB for PackageSource, 333 kB for the bgl
So : Is there another solution where I could keep my original resolution ?
You can find the packagesources and the resulting packages in my dropbox
Number of polygons in a project is for sure not an issue, I have some with some millions of Polygons , the game doesn’t care
About nr or vertex per polygon, your numbers are strange,
“Hi Res” package as roughly 30 verteces per polygon,.while “low Res” has 44 of them per polygon …(doing this calculations because the game maybe doesn’t like too much vertex per polygon , but this doesn’t seems the case)
I have too a small app to deal with large dataset, in my case the data goes through qgis and converted to wkt, then my app write the .xml for the game compiler. When dealing with the data, I make sure I have polygons with no holes in it (the game doesn’t like them).
A friend is using my app to add water bodies in Africa or around there, hasn’t reported any issue, but some others like @Rotornut44 have issues
Hope the team can investigate on this
“Hi Res” package as roughly 30 verteces per polygon,.while “low Res” has 44 of them per polygon
I don’t know how you did these calculations, but I don’t think it’s strange :
High res includes a lot of small lakes and small islands (this could be half of the total number of polygons). The point reduction algorithm get rid of them. So if your making an average of the number of points, the high res average is bring down because there are a lot of these small polygons, and the low res average include only big water areas, even if there are less points in them than in the original file.