Multiple Simobjects, one Wwise Package?

I have been playing around with using Wwise sounds in my scenery. I have been
able to get sounds playing in the sim, as well as even using SimVars to play
them only under certain conditions (Though, it seems that only Aircraft
SimVars can be used, whereas having the ability to use environmental variables
as well would be nice). However, I’m running into an issue where if I have
multiple simobjects in one simobject folder (model.a, model.b, model.c, ect)
and I use a soundai.xml containing all of the sounds and a single Wwise pack,
all of the simobjects in my scene end up playing all of the elements at once
(model.a will play it’s own sound, but also the sound meant for every other
model) I thought that if I assigned a unique node in each model, and then
referenced those nodes in each corresponding element of the soundai.xml, it
would ignore the other simobjects since all of the nodes would be found.
However, this does not seem to be the case and the sounds will play as
described above. Hopefully that’s making sense? If not, basically: model.a has
the unique node “sfxa” and it’s in the soundai.xml states NodeName=“sfxa”.
then… model.b has the unique node “sfxb” and it’s in the soundai.xml states
NodeName=“sfxb”. however… model.a plays its own sound, but also plays sfxb as
that node cannot be found in model.a. And then vise versa for every simobject.
Is there any solution where I can make each model only play the sound I assign
to it, or is my only option to split every simobject off into it’s own
directory and have a separate Wwise PCK for each? There has got to be a better
way to handle this, right?

Hello @Rotornut44 The NodeName property is used to chose if sound is
positioned at a specific node or if it’s positioned at the reference datum but
it will be used in all cases. If you want to have a single package, you want
to use a differentiating SimVar (Title?) or custom LocalVar to associate your
sound event to one of the variations. Regards, Sylvain

It would be nice to get some additional documentation on how this could be
done, especially in regards to how it should be structured, and how to tie it
between the soundai.xml and model.xml. I’m not sure what the “SimVar (Title?)”
is that you reference as it doesn’t seem to be documented. I have also seen
another comment of yours where you reference using “W” (Wwise Event) in RPN
code. Though you say to pass a 1 or 0, I’m not sure where this is done,
(model.xml in the RPN, or somehow in soundai.xml) nor if this would even solve
my issue above. I would ultimately like to figure out how to call the Wwise
event in the model.xml, or how to do it with LVars, as I need to call some
Environmental Variables, which cannot be done with SimVar in the soundai.xml.
I’ll attach my soundai.xml so it can be referenced.

Hello @Rotornut44 All the things I mentioned are documented. Check the
WwiseRtpc element which allows you to control the sound event with a simvar or
localvar: Sound Definitions

Regards, Sylvain