Normal Maps for Rivets

Dear Asobo, I am trying to do a rivet that has a depression (inset) around a
rivet… however when I blend this in MSFS I get the depresion very reflective
despite that I have set the decal to blend everything + the normal = 1:
Color=0, Metal=0, Rough=0, OC=0, Emissive=0, Normal=1.0 I check the cessna
caravan which has a similar rivet of what I am trying to achieve (on the
wings) and I noticed the normal map is not BLUE is different, and uppon using
this normal map instead for testing, everything blended much better. I tried
to find in the SDK documentation if we need to set rivets normal maps in any
particular way, but cannot find anything… I have spend lot of hours trying to
get this done to no availability… can you guys advise how the normal maps for
rivets of the Cessna caravan were done? For reference this is the Cessna
Caravan Rivets Normal, I have highlighted the one I tried for my decals:

This is my normal map, which is
not working, basically you can see on the fuselage the ring being more
reflective, like a shinny ring around the rivet:
Puzzled why the Cessna rivets
normal work and why they are not blue… what I am missing? Thanks in advance,

Hello @Simbol You seem to be comparing your source PNG file to the compiled
Caravan DDS file. The source Caravan file looks exactly like yours. I’m not
sure what you’re trying to do here, reduce the amount of light being reflected
where the depression is? Is so, you want to increase the roughness in this
area. Regards, Sylvain

Hi Sylvain @FlyingRaccoon, Thanks for the quick response. I got that file as
.PNG… but it could be that it is compressed as DDS and saved as PNG… I will
post a picture tonight so you understand the issue better. However if am
blending all the values (RO, AO, Metal, etc.) I don;t understand why the
depression is shiner when it is supposed to blend entirely with the material
below? Maybe the normal needs an alpha or the decal base texture needs an
alpha? Regards, Raul

Take some pictures of the PBR channels as well please.

Hello @Simbol

How’s your albedo map alpha channel?

I think you want to use it to smoothen the transition. That’s how it’s done
for the Cessna:

@Nocturne Probably something we should cover here:

Regards, Sylvain

Hi Sylvain @FlyingRaccoon, Ok, it doesn’t have that smooth thing, however
testing things all the way to 3.30am again last night, it seems MSFS doen’t
like my normal map, the one attached on my first post… when using more
“pronounce” (as more green, red colour shading) type of maps it blends
better… I am wondering if there is a threshold and my normal map is too
“soft” causing the issue? Could you guys try my normal map to see if there is
something wrong with it? in the mean time LionHeart is helping me and created
a new normal map for me, which I will be testing again tonight to see if
things work better, I will also add some smooth to the alpha channel and see.
Thanks for all the help. Raul

Send us a package with a sheet of metal with some of your rivets on it, the
source textures, etc… and we’ll have a look at some point. The team is very
busy testing SU10 so that’s not something we will look in the near future I
think though. Regards, Sylvain

Got you, I will try to fix it with a different Normal map given how busy you
guys are… thanks for the heads up. I will prepare a sample so this can be
looked at for the future, because I have the feeling it is the level of amount
of the normal causing the issue, but it shouldn’t be. Many thanks for
everything Sylvain. Regards, Raul