I use SimConnect to place an external simobject in an aircraft. In this case, a military Humvee in the A400M. This works well as long as the aircraft is standing still.
When the aircraft starts moving, I update the following data for the vehicle (which are requested per visual_frame):
mysimconnect.SetDataOnAIObject("PLANE LATITUDE", "radians", "float", "unused", A400M.latitude.ToString());
mysimconnect.SetDataOnAIObject("PLANE LONGITUDE", "radians", "float", "unused", A400M.longitude.ToString());
mysimconnect.SetDataOnAIObject("PLANE HEADING DEGREES MAGNETIC", "radians", "float", "unused", A400M.heading.ToString());
mysimconnect.SetDataOnAIObject("PLANE ALTITUDE", "feet", "float", "unused", alt_vehicle.ToString());
mysimconnect.SetDataOnAIObject("VELOCITY BODY X", "feet", "float", "unused", A400M.vX.ToString());
mysimconnect.SetDataOnAIObject("VELOCITY BODY Y", "feet", "float", "unused", A400M.vY.ToString());
mysimconnect.SetDataOnAIObject("VELOCITY BODY Z", "feet", "float", "unused", A400M.vZ.ToString());
However, this doesn’t result in a visually proper result. The vehicle slides away in small steps (roughly 10), before getting back to the correct position roughly every second. The position updates happen per couple of milliseconds, so I am wondering why this isnt fluid.
I have frozen the altitude of the vehicle (FREEZE_ALTITUDE_SET). Setting this for LAT/LON doesnt solve it.
The idea is to create an app that will load the A400M, and then of course keep the load in the aircraft during the flight, and then unload.
Any suggestions?