Plexiglass (windows) scratches Malfunction, and 2024 Planes, no scratches


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Marketplace package name: Asobo planes and all of my planes

Context: Testing mine in Community folder + Asobo planes, cross comparrison

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: None

Bug description: Scratches in my own MSFS 2020 planes that are running in MSFS 2024 Alpha, scratches are Massive and horrible. But… I noticed yesterday in the DA62, and also some of the Asobo planes I copied into the 2024 Community (such as the Cessna 152) that these planes by Asobo show no visible scratches.

Has Asobo removed scratches layers, or perhaps the sim isnt seeing them? A malfunction in the Scratches Details layer in the Glass Material perhaps?

Repro steps:
Load some MSFS 2024 planes into the sim and see if any of them have plexi scratches. If they do not, then scratches in the sim are not working or are turned off.


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Kind regards,

Lionheart Creations

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Hello @EPellissier

How are things coming with the plexi material and scratches detail layer? Will it possibly be fixed by launch?

All of my planes have this.

I hope all is coming along good with the final testing.

If you wish me to test an idea on the material, let me know. Its quite a tricky thing to get it just right. But when its working proper, it looks so good.

Kind regards,



Hello Eric,

I was just wondering… Do you think this will be fixed, the scratches visibility issue, or should I just adjust my planes and get rid of the scratches layer in the materials, at least for now?