In Blender 3.6 for 2024, I have created some colored circles to be placed on a runway (like the Oshkosh circles).
They are created from a Blender and I have tried to get them exactly positioned on the x/y/z axis but when placed on the runway some portions are not flush with the runway surface (this may be because the runway may not be totally flat?).
Is there a shortcut key to flatten them to the runway surface?
Is there a keyboard key to create minute movements when using the SDK Gizmo Rotate function?
I have held down the key while trying to rotate the object to make it flat but I still find you cannot get delecate movements.
I have found when aligning runways, it’s often easiest to just type numbers into the gizmo heading box in small increments to get the alignment exactly right.
But what my problem actually is…
I have placed four circles on the surface of the runway and I am having an impossible time try to get the circles flush on the runway surface.
I get part of the circle perimeter flush but the other side is either raised up or under the surface.
Thanks Mamu - no I am not 100% sure the runway is flat - however I did apply Flatten to the airport. But I am not sure what the Pitch and Bank numbers represent in the Gizmo (0.000007 and -0.000007) - is that to do with flattening? When I try to make them 0 (zero) they go back.