Rotorcraft certification test will not end on xbox

Version: 1.XX.XX.X
Frequency: Once/Rarely/Frequently/Consistently
Twice in a row

Severity: Low/High/Blocker
(Low - quality of life, workflow optimization, rare enough to not impact production, etc…
High - critical but workarounds are available, important feature not working as expected, frequent enough to impact production
Blocker - prevents from working on the project, prevents from releasing the product)


Marketplace package name: if applicable

Context: What package? When editing or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: insert url here if applicable
Bug description:
Rotorcraft certification test will not end. That is pressing X DOES NOT STOP THE ENGINE the root keep’s spinning and will not end

Repro steps:


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DevSupport is a SDK support platform. For general game issues, please post on the official forums instead

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This platform is dedicated to DevMode/SDK support.

General game issue should be reported on official forums.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo