Rudder_elasticity_table is wrong for CJ4

Bug description: The rudder_elasticity_table has the first 2 entries as a value of 5.0
This causes an aircraft to rotate 90 degrees when between some speeds. Took me some time to figure out why this was happening to our product. But it was the values from the CJ4. Once you make these 1.0 all works fine.

Hello @Flysimware

This configuration is deliberate on the CJ4, to improve low speed and ground handling.

I’m not sure about what you mean by “This causes an aircraft to rotate 90 degrees when between some speeds”.
Is this a problem you are able to replicate on the CJ4 or is it just happening with your own aircraft?


Hi @FlyingRaccoon

I figured it was for more control. But the issue is it’s effecting the rudder above the 115 knots and below 250 knots. In both the CJ4 and our Learjet as soon as you get to 50% right rudder the aircraft will not stop turning until you lose control and are almost 90 degrees right. The CJ4 due to the ailerons also effected by large rudder inputs you lose total control before you get to 90 degrees. So this effect would need to be removed to see our result. But either way you can clearly see the issue.

Both of these methods fixed the issue.
rudder_elasticity_table = 0:5,70:5,115:1,190:0.95,250:0.9,400:0.33
rudder_elasticity_table = 0:1,70:1,115:1,250:0.9,400:0.33


I see what you mean. I’ll forward the info to the devs in case they want to make some further adjustments.
But as for the SDK, the parameter behaves as it should so I’m closing this bug report as by design.


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