Save button grayed out

Version: SU15/AAU3/WU 17 -

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Context: I was trying to make a modification to the default SBCT airport, when I realized the save button was grey and I couldn’t save it. Right after I closed the devmode, CTD.

Bug description:

When opening the devmode, save is gray, meaning it can’t be used no matter what I do.

Repro steps:

Install the game and open devmode. (As the button is still gray when I reinstall the game)


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Project/Save Is Active only when you make modifications to the project structure (like adding an assetgroup or such

Any modification in the Scenery Editor can be saved in the scenery editor itself by pressing the Save Scenery button

So, I can only save it when adding new assets that differ from the default ones? (e.x: asset groups?)

If so, I can only save my scenery as you said?

You can save every progress you make

But different thing requires different command to save


Project->Save is active when you change Project related stuff : asset group names/locations, project properties and such

If you make changes in your scenery (placing aprons, Polygons, objects and such) you need to press the “Save Scenery” blue button in the Scenery Editor

But no fear, if you don’t save and changes that you might want to save are made, a kind pop up will show asking you if you really want to exit without saving :smile:

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