You can read large numbers from LVars in javascript, however you cannot save
them to LVars in javascript. If you set an LVar in XML code: (E:ABSOLUTE
then n javascript read the number - it gets the correct value: var
currenttime = SimVar.GetSimVarValue(“L:XIP_ABSOLUTETIME”, “seconds”); A number
around 63000000000.000 give or take. How ever if you now save that number back
SimVar.SetSimVarValue(“L:XIP_ELAPSETIMESTART”, “seconds”, currenttime); it
will not save correctly you get a number that is close but not the same.
US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/MAX_SAFE_INTEGER> I
expect the number you are getting when reading the SimVar is also wrong, you
just don’t notice the error. You could try using BigInt() or passing the
number as a string, but I have no idea if that works. BigInt didn’t even exist
in browsers 5 years ago, you had to use a library to work with big numbers.