Sim crash during startup after AAU3 with Navigraph data installed

You may have read approximately 500 posts on this topic in the official MSFS forum. We know something is wrong, but we can´t say precisely what, and that´s not good, at least for us and our users/customers.

Therefore, this report aims to explain why this CTD occurred during the startup process.

Following starting point:

before Oct 1st, 2024:

  • Navigraph AIRAC 2409 rev. 1 installed (since Sep 5th, 2024 - the release date of cycle 2409)
  • MSFS (version before Oct 1st, 2024)
    → MSFS starts without any issue, no CTDs, no reports about any crashes

from Oct 1st, 2024 onwards:

  • Navigraph AIRAC 2409 rev. 1 installed (since Sep 5th, 2024 - the release date of cycle 2409)
  • release MSFS with AAU3
    → MSFS crashed during the startup process

During the nighttime analyzing phase, your user/customer identified two inconsistencies in this AAU3 update.

  1. The generic airport file contains two identical airport ICAO codes: SNFO and SNFO. When we test to exclude navigation data for this airport in our package, there is no CTD.
  2. When you remove/delete the “Bush Trip - Scotland” package from the WorldUpdate 17 package, the sim starts without any issue

Currently, we have no idea what the real root cause of the CTD is. Therefore, to understand what happened behind the scenes, please let us know how to fix this issue (if we can fix it on our side).

Thank you very much,



This is a known issue and we are working on a fix.


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Thank you very much for the fast response, Boris!
Please let me know when you need something more from me/us …


Thanks, guys. The latest hotfix solves the issue - with a full installation of the WU17 (including the “Bush Trip - Scotland” package). Thank you very much for the fast fix. It is much appreciated.


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