SimConnect_EnumerateSimObjectsAndLiveries is undefined in simconnect.h

SimConnect_EnumerateSimObjectsAndLiveries() is undefined in the current MSFS SDK.

but SimConnect_EnumerateSimObjectsAndLiveries() is missing in the simconnect functions list.

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Can you provide us with the sdk version number you are using?

Best Regards
Maxime / Asobo

I thought about that and updated to the latest version before making this post.
Even with the current latest version of the sdk (1.1.2) the issue persist.

I manually deleted the include folder in the SDK install folder and repaired the install and now the function is correctly listed in simconnect.h

Previously I had 1.1.1 installed, downloaded and installed 1.1.2 over it. It seems like that was the issue.

Glad you got the right header.

The behavior you described is odd and we are going to take a look at that.

Thanks for pointing out this issue.
Best Regards
Maxime / Asobo

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I tried modifying manually simconnect.h before installing 1.1.2 so maybe the installed is setup to not overwrite files modified after previous installs.

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