(Solved) G3X screen light goes erratic


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

Context: G3X avionic suite

Bug description: The backlight of the G3X screen is changing erratically: it seems randomly increasing and decreasing its intensity

Repro steps:

When I use the knob to increase the light of the G3X it just flashes once or two times then it reverts back to dark even if set to max

Hello @erasam

Can you please tell us which package you used to demonstrate this issue and possibly provide a video?


@SimbolFSReborn Do you see something similar with your G3X equipped aircraft?

The package is currently in testing phase by you to be approved for the MSFS 2020 marketplace

It is the AeroSachs Tecnam P2008 JC aircraft

I’ll post a video soon

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Not so far… will do more testing today. However i set the brightness of the units emissive manually.

That could be why…


Video is 65MB: where can I upload it ?

You can follow section 3) in these guidelines:
How to report a bug or crash - [MSFS 2024] Bug Reports - MSFS DevSupport

Thank you

Sent the video link

Thank you,

We were able to reproduce this and a ticket has been made in our backlog.


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After investigation, it appears this behavior is caused by the use of ASOBO_GT_Screen_Template in your interior xml, which is already used by the AS3X template to set the emissive.

To fix this, you can add the ASOBO_GT_Screen_Template parameters to ASOBO_AS3X_Template instead.


Hi Boris

I have entered the parameters of the ASOBO_GT_Screen_Template in the ASOBO_AS3X_Template and if it is going better the problem still occurs (but with a really lower frequency). Moreover the brightness of the screen is really low even at maximum settings (but I think this is related to another issue already reported)

Moreover now in the MSFS2020 after a couple of seconds this is how the G3X screens are rendered


You should have something like this :

		<Component ID="GLASS_COCKPITS">
			<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_AS3X_Template">
			<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_AS3X_Template">


One thing I noticed in FS2024 the G3X screens flash as soon as I enter with the mouse inside their area (with the mouse shape changing from arrow to pointing hand), in MSFS2020 instead the G3X screens completely go black (and they continuously flash when entering their area)

This is what happens if I click in MSFS2024 inside a G3X screen

Honestly I’ll prefer to keep the original code as the only drawback will be the brightness control not working properly in MSFS2024 (I’ll reccommend my customers to keep it a 0% until Asobo will fix it as it should) and working perfectly in MSFS2020

Try to remove <NODE_ID> and <SCREEN_PREFIX> from ASOBO_AS3X_Template
It should work as intended in MSFS2020 and MSFS2024.


Hi Boris

this time the modification worked properly

Thanks for the support, we can close this ticket

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