SU11 - Can AI taxi throttle be fixed?

After SU11 AI aircraft now taxi with screaming engines. TURB ENG N1 and TURB
ENG N2 go up to 100%.

Hello @MaVe_Creations I have added this to the list of AI traffic issues we
need to review. Regards, Sylvain

Hello @MaVe_Creations We have identified the problem and will fix it in a
future update. Regards, Sylvain

thats good news :slight_smile:

We had couple of updates but still no fix. How much in the future are you

Any new ETA on when this fix will be released? I’ve seen at least one non-
sound issue reported here where a recent comment was SU12 would include the
fix for that issue. Is SU12 when the sound fix will be released as well, or