I don’t have an immediate answer to this, but there are a lot of people on here far more skilled at this than I am, so maybe they know. But in the interim, I have a quick question: Do you have a screenshot of what the runway looks like when you first create it? Does it look like the runway is far below the surface, or does it look like it’s on the surface but simply nothing’s rendering?
Also, does it happen just in this one spot? If you tried to create a runway in another part of the world, does this happen, too?
The runway reacts the same…
If I create one on the location to the right in the picture, there is no surface, when I create one on the left in the picture, there is a surface!
When I move the runway to the middle, half of the surface is there and the other half, which is stil more to the right side of the picture does not have a surface.
So I think this is more of another bug in the system…
I don’t have any ideas, but I just wanted to also ask, if you started a new project and created a test airport somewhere else, would there be a problem with that?
I can try making a test airport some time and seeing if I get the same results.
I have indeed started an other airport somewhere else and there it works perfectly.
So it seems to me its the specific location in the sim where it is not possible to create this airport.
If the system is not letting you create a runway at some specific coordinates, that sounds like it may be a bug.
If you’re uncomfortable disclosing those coordinates publicly, you could probably create the bug report and then message @PrivateContent and give the coordinates there.