Unable to save in scenery editor, Invalid object Airport (SOLVED, jetway problem)

So I was editing my airport scenery. I have all my parking spots connected to
taxiway points and i have no unconnected taxiway points. I was moving my
parking spots (all have independent names) and adding jetways to some of them.
I saved the scenery successfully. Then I exited MSFS and made some changes to
blender models and exported them to MSFS. I then updated layout.json with
Layout Generator Converter to get the changes visible to my objects in MSFS
(something I have always done with my project because otherwise the chages
don’t go to MSFS). But now when I open scenery project it is unable to save
the project even as soon as I open even before making any changes (although I
had just in the previous session managed to save it in that point). It shows
the Airport as red warning saying ”[Scenery] Invalid object Airport (my
airport’s name). Invalid child. Unable to save file.” When I go through the
warnings there’s one yellow warning with gate i have removed jetway. Then
there’s multiple red warnings with gates that not yet have jetways saying it
need at least one simobject. Even if I either add the jetways or remove all
those mentioned parking spots altogether, the only red warning that remains is
the Aiport itself. And I really can’t remove the Airport because it would
remove all runways, taxis, parking spots and ground markings. So I can’t save
the project at all and I don’t know how I can fix it. Please help.

I think I found the solution! It seems the problem was to do with the jetways.
I tweaked scenery.xml by deleting all jetways there and now it seems to work
and save again normally. Of course need to add all jetways again but damage

Hi Hergi, just had exactly the same issue and resolved it in the way you described. Open the scenery.xml, delete the jetway section, close MSFS and rebuild the jetways. This occurred on the first opening of MSFS after an update (to I’d also published the project (build all) and added to my community folder to review progress.
Thanks for your work tracking down the issue, saved me lots of time and frustration.

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