Unsettable SimVars - Eng Oil

Hi Would it be possible at some point to set the engine oil SimVars? `ENG OIL

PRESSURE` Engine oil pressure Pounds per square foot TYPE_UINT16 -
ENG OIL QUANTITY Engine oil quantitiy as a percentage of full capacity
Percent over 100 TYPE_UINT32 -
ENG OIL TEMPERATURE Engine oil temperature Rankine TYPE_UINT16 -
I’d like to simulate eng oil usage but can’t currently set the engine oil
amount via SimVars. I’m using a js gauge to read and set dataStore amounts
which I can then query and set via simVars to simulate a living aircraft.
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I’d like to bump this - missing functionality still

Says oil amount is

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Hello I suggest you request this feature in an idea so we don’t miss it in one
of our future reviews. OIL AMOUNT is deprecated, I think it will show a
constant. Regards, Sylvain

thank-you - added https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/4395

It can be done using SimConnect SetDataOnSimObject to set oil quantity. I use
it for setting oil burn on big radials.

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