Usage of wrong ATC callsign, because of Parsing issue of the ATC_ID

Hey, not sure if this is a SDK issue or a game issue:
offline-ai/557047> AI is injected with the atc_id via SimConnect, the
aircraft.cfg has the correct ATC_AIRLINE Additional info: Based on our
research, it worked fine in the Beta.

Hello @Kaiii3 We are well aware of this issue and are working on it with
Microsoft, most of the time if you see a post on the official forum you don’t
need to make a post here as we will have seen it too. Best Regards, Yohan

Thanks for the Feedback, looking forward to the fix. About posting Bugs: It is
somtimes a bit unclear where to post reports, because in some cases the Mods
over at the Forum are recognizing the bug in game not as such and are telling
us to report here, since it is related to SDK based AI traffic.