Context: The new aircraft I’m currently developing
**Bug description: the package builder wrongly rounds some of the UV coordinates having the aircraft texture looking wavy (just) in the sim. For example the source UV coordinates X=0.6987 and Y=0.118 are converted as X=0.69873 and Y=0.118164 and that small difference makes the texture broken
**Repro steps:it’s enough the build the package to see the error
**Attachments: I can provide the GLTF created by the exported and the one created by the package builder to see the difference
Texture coordinates are stored on 2 byte floats in our optimized GLTF format.
That is likely what’s causing your issue and not something we plan to change.
Where are you reading these values from?
I assume the source is read from your modeling tool but what about the value after the gltf is optimized?
It would be interesting to see how it’s actually encoded in the .bin file before and after optimization.