Version history in Market Place data

Dear Asobo, It has been brought to my attention by one of my customers that
the different version history entries are being squashed in content manager /
Market place. Below there is an example for the Sting S4, which contains 3
different version history text via the project builder SDK:

I raised this with the market
place team and they confirmed they also see many issues like this and they are
unable to resolve, therefore they suggested me posting the issue here in the
answer hub in the hope you guys know a way to fix this issue. Many thanks for
any help, Raul

Hi Raul and thank you, We will investigate and fix this Regards, Boris

Many thanks Boris. Regards, R.

Hi @Boris Just to let you know this is still happening with SU10B… Probably
is still in your queue, but I keep testing on my side with each build anyway…
Best, Raul

Guys this is still an on going issue… i have customers complaining they are
unable to read the change-log I am publishing to them… Is there a way around
I could implement in the meantime for them? Best, R.