Vertex limits for mass placement

I have noticed that when mass placing LOT of instances of the same scenery object,
Some of them are NOT displayed/loaded. Even at 1cm distance and keeping the camera there for 1 hour.
the Debug model lods is indeed not showing any activity in the loading instances section
The objects used are fully compliant with the Statistic profiler, Lod limits and such

Is there some hard vertex limit that is not showed in the statistics profiler, related to the total number of vertices of all the instances?
The feeling is that once a certain number of vertices is reached, the instancing algorithm stop doing it’s job

Btw the issue happens when the object placed multiple time has a “high” number of vertices (10k/20k) in Lod0/lod1 with a bounding box of around 10 meters

It is a couple of months that I’m doing ping pong with the product on the Marketplace to try to find the best optimisation possible for Xbox (but the issue is visible on pc too, just a bit less noticeable)

On 2024 (on pc of course because we are still waiting for a way to test out products on xbox) the issue is not present (feeling that the instancing algorithm has been totally reworked)

Hope to have an hint because this is driving me crazy. I know the rules and I obey them, so I expect a working product when doing so :blush: