World Hub submission KCDW: Photogrammetry exclusion polygon doesn't work?

My KCDW World Hub submission just went live in production. Problem #2 (here’s #1) with this airport:

Somebody reported in the main forums that KCDW airport now is now all photogrammetry.

I went back to KCDW and it looks fine to me.



They clearly have my changes because the fuel parking and the 100 million parking spots I put in the airport are visible.

I have photogrammetry turned on. I turned off rolling cache a long time ago, but I cleared it anyway. I went back and checked my project to make sure the exclusion polygon didn’t disappear. Here it is with the arrows pointing to it:

And on top of that, the moderators approved it. So clearly, it must have looked okay to them. I just want to run it by the community quickly before I submit a bug report. Am I missing something?

Can’t offer any advice, but I can offer an additional data point: on my system I can see TIN buildings outside the airport perimeter, no TIN buildings within the perimeter.

It might help to find out whether the issue is reproducible for the user. Sometimes MSFS seems to get confused – for me, this manifests in the form of missing buildings that miraculously show up after a client restart. Perhaps this is one of those cases?

(I like what you did with the double-sided taxiway signs, some Z-fighting at certain LOD levels, but I guess that can’t be avoided.)

Thank you for checking! One of my friends in the forums over there tried to push up the bug on his side, but I’m not so sure if the people in those forums have the ability to log bugs so I’ll just send it up as a bug report here.


Thank you! They are a huge pain in the … Pushing two of them together is very time consuming. And then, they look fine until later, you come back and they’re not. Or you take a World Hub airport and push two existing ones into position only to find out that the auto-generated signs are the wrong size and you have to do it over. Or they look good now, but when you compile the project and check it out in the Community folder, the signs don’t overlap properly and you have to pull them apart slightly and re-compile and retest. Or the z-fighting that you mentioned. I wish we could just have double-sided taxi signs. Only one airport I’ve done didn’t have double-sided signs, and it’s because that airport didn’t have any signs, period.

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