Wwise no reverb in game

Game Version, SDK 0.23.1



Context: Dev mode aircraft build

Bug description: interior IR Convolution Reverb is not working in game. This affects user made IRs as well as those shipped with the SDK, and both game defined aux sends und user defined aux sends.

Repro steps:

  • Create custom share set or use one of the pre-defined
  • drop share set into “rev_inside_custom” aux bus
  • Tag appropriate actor mixer or container to use game-defined or user.defined aux send
  • Define shareset in the acoustic parameters in sound.xml in case of game-defined aux sends
  • Generate and package soundbank
  • Build package in game

So, having done that and checking in game there’s no audible reverb. The IR for my particular project is considerably long, close to a second, so should be easily identifyable as an explicit reverb (as opposed to the very short roomverbs generated by the Asobo IRs). Remote-connecting wwise/FS and adjusting reverb level and/or aux send levels shows that the aux sends are connected but apparently only the dry signal is routed through the bus, as is proofed by the change in volume and some added, unfavorable phasing effect but there’s no audible reverb whatsoever.


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Yeah I also think the sound just sounds a bit odd in general but that might just be my headphones

Hello @Mathias,

I tried to add a Convolution Reverb to my aircraft following the steps you have described. I however had no issue having a convolution reverb in-game.

When generating your soundbanks, do you have any license error in Wwise ?

Hello and thanks for the reply @GentleLynx, and sorry for the late response.
No licensing errors here. That was the first thing I checked.

Hello @Mathias,

Just to make sure, have you also checked you have the required Wwise plugins installed, together with the base Wwise program? (i.e., Convolution, SoundSeed Air)

As per the instructions from the SDK documentation:

Once in the Wwise Launcher, you will also need to check the Wwise SoundSeed Air and Wwise Convolution check boxes to install those components as well. Both of these plugins are used in Microsoft Flight Simulator, so it’s essential that they are installed when you install Wwise.

If those plugins are not installed, it might have caused the issue.

Carlos Gonzalez
NextGen Simulations

Yes, they are installed.

Hello again @Mathias,

After speaking with our sound design team, we have found that there is a detail that is not very well explained in the documentation.
Sharesets are not automatically added to your soundbank, so you have to manually drag and drop them.

Here I am adding my AsoboMyEffects Work Unit (wich contains fx) to my DA62_SDK_AIRCRAFT Soundbank.

So after regenerating your soundbank, packaging it with the File Packager, replacing your PC.PCK in your sound folder of your Package and rebuilding it, you should have your Convolution Reverb working.

Please let me know if this has helped you.



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Ahhh, yes, that’s the trick! Thank you kindly, @GentleLynx.
Problem solved!

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Thanks for your quick answer.
I have logged a bug to complete the documentation on this side.

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