XBOX - WASM aircraft not working with 1.37.15

Version: XBOX

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Context: All my products (S4, FSR500) and as I understand others products that use WASM

Bug description:

On Xbox all my products which requires WASM are showing the warning indicating they are missing additional content:

As a result none of the WASM Modules seems to be working for any of the products:

When my beta testers or users check the Microsoft Flight Simulator Add-on Support it is fully up to date with no option to download any other version… so it is unclear at this stage why the WASM modules are not working.

They tried restarting the console, removing the Microsoft Flight Simulator Add-on Support and install it again, but unfortunately the problem remain

Repro steps:

Load a XBOX Console with the latest SU15 beta and select a WASM dependent products, for example: FSReborn S4, FSReborn FSR500, PMDG 737, ATR, etc. they all present the same behaviour.

Thanks for looking into this issue and please let me know if there is anything from my side that I can do to help.

Best Regards,


Hi Raul,

We have forwarded the issue to the Marketplace Ingestion team - we will work together to understand & fix this issue asap.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo

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Hi @EPellissier

Thanks you, being talking to some customers and when they leave the beta and they are back to SU14 things work normally. So it is clearly a combination of SU15 1.37.15 + the latest Microsoft Flight Simulator Add-on Support causing the behaviour.

Just wanted to give you that feedback in case it helps to troubleshoot things on your side.

Thanks for the swift response as usual.


Thanks for the added information - this makes it a bit more worrying than I initially thought. We’ll test a few things on our side right now.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo


We have identified the cause of this issue - apologies for not catching it prior to releasing this new beta version…

We now need to coordinate with Microsoft to check when the fix could made publicly available.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo


HI Eric @EPellissier,

Glad you guys found it, hope my report helped somehow…

Thanks again for the quick turn around, you guys rock.


Not sure it is related, but I just posted new update of my WASM toolbar and it does not work on Xbox with latest Add-on support installed, compiled and exported by SU14 SDK as usually.

The fix for WASM modules on Xbox will come with version - please note that this version won’t address the issue of stutters appearing after a certain time flying. This is something we are working on right now (not exactly related to SDK or DevMode but I thought it would be interesting for you to know!).

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo


Hi Eric,

Thanks for the update and efforts, I am a bit worried how much time it will take to get to reach a point when SU15 will be released to public, please bear in mind many of us 3rd party developers will need to be ready to travel to Las Vegas for FSExpo by 17th-19th of June.

So I would say by 15th of June, most of 3rd party developers will be unable to upload, test and deal with anything related to SU15 (including testing anything you guys push for the flighting).

This is due to how the MP process work, you see we are unable to upload anything to market place if we have compiled code with SU15 SDK, this prevents us uploading our products which contain updates related to SU15 to Xbox, and considering how long it takes to the Market Place team to process content when we submit (specially WASM content), I think we will be hitting soon a wall where it would be impractical for any 3rd party devs to confirm any fixes you guys are pushing out the door in relation to SU15.

My message do not intent to put more pressure on you guys, but to bring awareness of the situation in our side as well, after all you guys also need US testing wherever is being pushed is working so I think it is important we are all on the same page of our current schedules, etc. specially when SU15 is the last planned update for MSFS for the year 2024.

Perhaps a solution would be if you guys talk to the Microsoft team so they allow us to upload SU15 compiled code to Market Place this and the upcoming weeks so we can accelerate our testing (so only our beta teams can proceed and test, not releasing to public) prior the full release on the consoles and be sure everything is working as expected before it becomes impossible due to the upcoming commitments, etc.

All the best,

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