2020 Planes; Noticing strong roll with trying to steer plane on take-offs; gear lifting

Version: Alpha Build 3

Frequency: Frequently

Severity: High

Marketplace package name: LHC Bellanca Super Viking, LHC Bucker Bu-131 Jungmann, Trinidad TB21 GT

Context: What package? When editing or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: insert url here if applicable

Bug description: When steering down the runway, in MSFS 2024, wing tends to lift up when nearing take-off / rotation point. Slight steering input, and the plane lifts a wing.

Repro steps:
Take off from a runway, normal weather, slight breeze, in a small 4 seater plane or 2 seater, and see if the wing raises up when trying to steer straight down the runway.


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Kind regards,

Lionheart Creations

.nm [post deleted]

Hello @LyonHaart001

In you particular case, I think this is related to trim initialization that seems to have changed compared to MSFS 2020.
Your aircraft spawns with ~70% trim nose down, which leads to one of the rear wheels leaving ground first when picking up speed.
I’m still tracing what changed compared to 2020 and will keep you updated.


@LyonHaart001 I found the issue.

We used to force elevator trim to neutral position when starting a free flight in MSFS 2020. This was reported as a bug by @Flysimware : FLT [Controls.0] ElevatorTrim PCT not working - [MSFS 2020] Bug Reports / Aircraft - MSFS DevSupport.

This was fixed in MSFS 2024 and we now use the ElevatorTrim FLT parameter.
This parameter is set to “016.00” in your runway.flt, which is a percentage of the whole trim range, hence the -0.68 in the [-1;1] range.

I’ll have this reviewed since it can cause regressions on 2020 packages.
In the meantime, reviewing your FLT trim values will likely solve the problem.
Let me know if it does.


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