@LyonHaart001 I found the issue.
We used to force elevator trim to neutral position when starting a free flight in MSFS 2020. This was reported as a bug by @Flysimware : FLT [Controls.0] ElevatorTrim PCT not working - [MSFS 2020] Bug Reports / Aircraft - MSFS DevSupport.
This was fixed in MSFS 2024 and we now use the ElevatorTrim FLT parameter.
This parameter is set to “016.00” in your runway.flt, which is a percentage of the whole trim range, hence the -0.68 in the [-1;1] range.
I’ll have this reviewed since it can cause regressions on 2020 packages.
In the meantime, reviewing your FLT trim values will likely solve the problem.
Let me know if it does.